Why Are Pregnancy Farts So Smelly? Top 6 Natural Reasons Explained

Farts are a natural part of life. When you are pregnant, you will find that you fart more than usual. This is because the hormones in your body change, which can lead to more gas being produced. Some women also find that they have a more sensitive stomach when they are pregnant, which can lead to more gas and bloating.

Is pregnant fart good or bad?

The good news is that farting is completely normal and healthy during pregnancy. In fact, it can help to relieve some of the pressure that is felt in the stomach and intestines. So, don’t be embarrassed if you find yourself passing gas more often – just be happy that you are doing something to help yourself feel better.

If you are having a lot of trouble with gas and bloating, however, be sure to speak with your doctor. There may be something that can be done to help relieve the symptoms. Your doctor can provide advice on dietary changes and other measures that can help reduce gas and bloating.

Why do pregnancy farts smell so bad?

Pregnancy is a time when change happens in the body of a woman, frequently making life uncomfortable. It can be a time of nausea, back pain and heartburn. Sometimes, unpleasant odors are also present. One of the most common odor issues is that of farts. At times, these pregnancy farts can smell so bad that you might want to hold your nose when you realize that there is one coming because it has got to be stinky.

Here are a few reasons why pregnancy farts smell so bad.

1. Indigestion

Indigestion is common in pregnancy and this can cause worse farts than ever. It is caused by decreased motility in the gut, leading to gas accumulation. This can cause the gas to become trapped and build up, leading to stronger and more unpleasant-smelling farts. Indigestion can be caused by a variety of factors, including changes in diet and eating habits, stress, and hormonal changes.

2. Constipation

If you are constipated, the undigested food matter can come to the fore in the form of flatulence. Gas, after a while, causes bloating and flatulence. Constipation is a common issue during pregnancy and can be caused by a variety of factors. These can include changes in diet, hormonal changes, and the growing uterus putting pressure on the intestines. Constipation can lead to hard and difficult-to-pass stools, which can cause gas and bloating, leading to bad-smelling farts.

3. Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also make your farts smell bad. For instance, increased progesterone levels can slow down the digestive system and lead to more gas production. Progesterone is a hormone that is produced by the placenta, and its main function is to support the growth and development of the fetus. However, it can also have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the digestive system, leading to slower digestion and more gas production. This can cause farts to smell stronger and more unpleasant.

4. Pressure on the intestines

The growing uterus during pregnancy puts pressure on the gastrointestinal tract, causing gas and flatulence. This also leads to a loss of breath during the early stages of pregnancy. As the uterus grows, it can press against the intestines and other organs, causing discomfort and bloating. This pressure can cause gas to build up in the intestines and lead to bad-smelling farts. In addition to the pressure on the intestines, the growing uterus can also press against the diaphragm, causing shortness of breath and making it more difficult to expel gas. This can cause the gas to become trapped and build up, leading to stronger and more unpleasant-smelling farts.

5. Eating Certain Foods

Eating gas-forming foods like beans, cabbage, and broccoli can make your farts smell bad and might not be due to your pregnancy. These foods contain complex sugars that are not easily digested by the body. When these sugars reach the large intestine, they are fermented by bacteria, producing gas. This gas can cause bloating and flatulence, leading to bad-smelling farts. In addition to gas-forming foods, other types of food can cause bad-smelling farts. These can include foods that are high in sulfur, such as eggs and garlic, as well as foods that are high in fat.

6. Eating fatty foods

Eating fatty foods when pregnant can also make your farts smell bad. This is because the fat in these foods delays gastric emptying, leading to more gas production. When you eat a high-fat meal, the fat in the food slows down the movement of the stomach contents into the small intestine. This can cause gas to build up in the stomach and intestines, leading to bloating and flatulence.

The gas that is produced in the intestines can have a strong and unpleasant odor, causing bad-smelling farts. In addition to causing bad-smelling farts, eating fatty foods can also cause other digestive issues, such as heartburn and indigestion.


Pregnancy farts are a normal and healthy part of pregnancy. However, they can sometimes smell bad, causing discomfort and embarrassment for the expectant mother. There are several reasons why pregnancy farts can smell so bad, including indigestion, constipation, hormonal changes, pressure on the intestines, and eating certain foods.

If a pregnant woman is experiencing a lot of trouble with gas and bloating, it’s important to speak with a doctor to see if there is something that can be done to alleviate the symptoms. By understanding the causes of bad-smelling farts during pregnancy, women can take steps to reduce their occurrence and make pregnancy a more comfortable experience.