Pit Bull Gestation Calculator & Pregnancy Calendar

A Pit Bull gestation calculator is used to estimate the whelping or due date for a pregnant Pit Bull dog. We have created the following Pitbull gestation calculator to easily calculate your Pitbull’s due date.

Pit Bull Gestation Calculator

American Pit Bull Terrier

FAQs about Pit Bull Pregnancy

How long are Pit Bulls pregnant?

Pit bulls are pregnant for 63-65 days or 9 weeks. The gestation period in Pit bulls is 63-65 days from the first day of mating. They have an average gestation period of 64 days.

What is a Pitbull’s pregnancy length?

The pregnancy length for Pitbulls is 63 to 65 days.

What are the first signs of pregnancy in Pitbulls?

The signs of pregnancy include behavioral and physiological changes like increased appetite, body weight gain, nesting and enlarged nipples and abdomen.

What is the litter size for Pitbulls?

The litter size for Pitbulls is 5-10 puppies and 8 puppies on average. A Pitbull can give birth to 15 puppies in rare situations.

Pitbull Pregnancy Calendar & Chart

A Pit Bull pregnancy calendar or chart is for estimating when a pregnant Pitbull will whelp or give birth and for tracking how its pregnancy is going. The documents below will help you track your Pitbull’s pregnancy week by week and its due date.